Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ahh the joys of Hospitality

Dear hotel guests please be courteous to the poor staff that is there to try to help make your stay great....

- Please keep control of your children, and when they are wrecking havoc in the pool, running wind sprints up and down the hall, making coffee at 11pm and making creamer cups into projectile weapons... please oh please do not cop an attitude when we ask you to rein them in and deny that they doing anything wrong. Really? I can't wait until you are on the other side of things, getting away for a romantic weekend for two and someone else's kids are doing the same.

- Please don't walk in on an almost sold out night, when all I have left are suites and demand that I give you a $60 room "because the economy is slow and we should be grateful for the business". Really? Have you seen my parking lot? And then don't act all insulted and huffy and storm off when I tell you NO. Please, do go to the Dollar Inn, I'm sure they can accommodate.

- Please... don't stare at me like I'm a heathen Satan worshiper when I don't know off the top of my head the mass times of every Catholic church in a ten mile radius. I have Google for a reason, let me use it for you.
Guest: Where is the nearest Catholic Church?
Rep: It's "insert name here", about three miles right down the road.
Guest: Is there another one? I don't want that one.
Rep: Oh I'm sorry, did you not like that one last time you were here?
Guest: No, I've never attended before, I just don't want that one.

- Please - If your child pukes on the pool deck, inform someone at the desk - don't just leave it there for someone else to find or step in. And pretty please.... if you child is sick enough that he/she pukes SEVERAL times in the pool area - for god's sake bring them to the room or call a hospital! Don't just let them keep upchucking!

OK Rant over... for now. As you can see I had a busy night last night. I tried to eat my dinner, but it was so crazy that I only got some nibbles in here and there. My wonderful hubby showed up late in my shift with flowers. That gave me the extra energy to make it through the last of my night. I succumbed to snacking when we got home though - but it was a handful or rice crackers and a glass of wine, so I don't feel too guilty.

1 comment:

  1. You should add that the lobby fountain is not a swimming pool or water slide, please keep your children out of it.
