Saturday, October 16, 2010


So I think one of my biggest problems is that I usually work 3pm-11pm at work and always forgets to eat dinner there - so by the time I get home at 11:30 I am starving and ready to chow down. Now I know eating late at night isn't good for you, but it still happens consistently.

I was good yesterday though - I remembered to not only pack my dinner, but to eat it as well. Goldfish crackers, ranch mini rice cakes and leftover sausage and kraut (from the wedding, we still have a freezer full of meat, roast beef, and chicken). No midnight snacks when I got home.

Had some cereal for breakfast, and I am baking triple chocolate cupcakes (for work not me). Dinner looks like two small slices of roast, a few herbed red potatoes and more crackers/rice cakes.

A small bonus on the scale today - 4.2 pounds lost.

1 comment:

  1. I used to have that same I work days and I have a hard time remembering to eat during the day.
