Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cooking with Quinoa...

What is Quinoa?

Here's the Technical stuff:
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a grain like seed from South America. It is high in protein and essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source, unusual among plant foods. It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Also, Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest.

That said, it is a fun little seed, and when cooked has a nutty flavor and a al dente type texture. I have seen the gold and red versions, and personally I prefer the red - it's mostly a color thing. I like my food to look interesting. :-) Quinoa can be used in sweet or savory dishes, it's versatile like that. Here's a few that I prefer:

Breakfast: Cook quinoa as directed and let cool, spoon out your desired portion and mix in a bit of honey, cinnamon, and any chopped dried fruits of your choice - dates, cranberries, raisins, apricots etc. Add a few nuts if you want some added crunch. Stir and nosh!

Side Dish: Cook one cup of quinoa as directed on package, placed in bowl and stir in 1 cup chickpeas, 1 diced tomato, 1 clove minced garlic, 3 tablespoons lime juice, 4 teaspoons olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin, pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro, 1/2 cup diced red onion. Let cool in fridge - it will get even more flavor after sitting for a bit. When ready to serve garnish with some chopped avocado.

Quinoa Tabbouleh: Cook one cup of quinoa as directed on package, meanwhile in a large bowl, combine 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 diced tomatoes, 1 diced cucumber, 2 bunches diced green onions, 1 cup fresh chopped parsley (or substitute cilantro for an extra kick). Stir in mixed quinoa - serve cool or warm. Add some Feta cheese crumbles on top for extra flavor.

I hope you might be inspired to try something new!

So far my change in eating has gone well, even through the holiday season with the family feast of delights. I'm happy to say that through it all I have managed to shed more weight - and as of this morning I am 4 pounds lighter than my "stomach flu low" on 12/27. By no means am I starving myself - if I'm hungry I eat, but it's what goes in to my mouth that has been making a huge difference. I'm actually quite amazed at how just changing over to more fresh natural foods has made me feel more energetic overall.

Smile and enjoy life!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Changing my eating habits....

I spend the past week with a particularly nasty stomach bug - that (not to get to graphic) left my digestive system squeaky clean from top to bottom. In the process I lost several pounds - not the funnest way to lose weight! But since my fertility doc is on me to try to lose some anyway I decided this would be the opportune time to try for a fresh look at my eating.

I'm not going on any "diet" per se, just trying to change what gets stuffed into my face hole and see how that improves my health and well being. My plan: Stick to unrefined and unprocessed foods. I know in this day and age that can be a daunting task - but I am going to give it my best.

What does this mean?

My Do's: An abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains & nuts, fresh meats - especially fish and fowl. A lot baked, broiled, grilled foods. I would like to recognize that it came directly from flora or fauna, then bake it into something myself so I know there are no mysterious ingredients.

My Don'ts: Refined grains and starches, fatty meats (sorry bacon), things with names that I can't pronounce, things rich in high fructose syrups or sugars in general, things high in sodium or cholesterol, no soda.... you get the idea.

This isn't about counting calories, or fat, or carbs. It's more about just trying to eat natural healthy FOOD. What I mentioned above is a guideline for selecting what I want to put into my grocery cart, not a strict rule - sometimes you just need to give yourself a little treat of a favorite item, or go out for a special occasion - and at restaurants you have no clue what might be going into what's on your plate. LOL No sense obsessing, just enjoy the moment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Catching Up..

It's been a busy few days, but I managed to get my Social Security and Drivers Licence changed - so now both the government and state know me as Mrs. Heather Kapica. LOL

CJ and I did a late night wander through Wal-Mart on Sunday. It's always an entertaining venue after midnight when all the freaks come our. We stopped by the Taco Bell to say hi to my brither and I succumbed to my late night cravings with a burrito and a Frutista. Ah well...

Today we went to pick up Draco's ashes, which made me cry again when I saw the little doggie scrapbook they included so I could put all my memories inside. The real tear jerker was at the end where they had a envelope where they saved a small bit of his hair for me to keep. My heart hurts just to think about the cheeky little guy and I'm trying not to tear up even as I write this...

Later we stopped by Remus Farms in Hobart - nothing like a little retail therapy to make me forget about things. We found some amazing caramel apple cider and picked up some pumpkins, a mum and straw bale for the patio - time to start decorating for fall!

Somewhere in all that we squeezed in lunch at New China - love their lunch specials!

Anywho - another 3-11 tonight, but all seems quiet on the hotel front. :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ahh the joys of Hospitality

Dear hotel guests please be courteous to the poor staff that is there to try to help make your stay great....

- Please keep control of your children, and when they are wrecking havoc in the pool, running wind sprints up and down the hall, making coffee at 11pm and making creamer cups into projectile weapons... please oh please do not cop an attitude when we ask you to rein them in and deny that they doing anything wrong. Really? I can't wait until you are on the other side of things, getting away for a romantic weekend for two and someone else's kids are doing the same.

- Please don't walk in on an almost sold out night, when all I have left are suites and demand that I give you a $60 room "because the economy is slow and we should be grateful for the business". Really? Have you seen my parking lot? And then don't act all insulted and huffy and storm off when I tell you NO. Please, do go to the Dollar Inn, I'm sure they can accommodate.

- Please... don't stare at me like I'm a heathen Satan worshiper when I don't know off the top of my head the mass times of every Catholic church in a ten mile radius. I have Google for a reason, let me use it for you.
Guest: Where is the nearest Catholic Church?
Rep: It's "insert name here", about three miles right down the road.
Guest: Is there another one? I don't want that one.
Rep: Oh I'm sorry, did you not like that one last time you were here?
Guest: No, I've never attended before, I just don't want that one.

- Please - If your child pukes on the pool deck, inform someone at the desk - don't just leave it there for someone else to find or step in. And pretty please.... if you child is sick enough that he/she pukes SEVERAL times in the pool area - for god's sake bring them to the room or call a hospital! Don't just let them keep upchucking!

OK Rant over... for now. As you can see I had a busy night last night. I tried to eat my dinner, but it was so crazy that I only got some nibbles in here and there. My wonderful hubby showed up late in my shift with flowers. That gave me the extra energy to make it through the last of my night. I succumbed to snacking when we got home though - but it was a handful or rice crackers and a glass of wine, so I don't feel too guilty.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So I think one of my biggest problems is that I usually work 3pm-11pm at work and always forgets to eat dinner there - so by the time I get home at 11:30 I am starving and ready to chow down. Now I know eating late at night isn't good for you, but it still happens consistently.

I was good yesterday though - I remembered to not only pack my dinner, but to eat it as well. Goldfish crackers, ranch mini rice cakes and leftover sausage and kraut (from the wedding, we still have a freezer full of meat, roast beef, and chicken). No midnight snacks when I got home.

Had some cereal for breakfast, and I am baking triple chocolate cupcakes (for work not me). Dinner looks like two small slices of roast, a few herbed red potatoes and more crackers/rice cakes.

A small bonus on the scale today - 4.2 pounds lost.

Friday, October 15, 2010

An adventure before us...

So I forgot that I had this account, but things have been pretty busy...

10-10-10 Was our wedding, and what a glorious day it was! The sun was shining, our friends and family were all there, no one had any mishaps and everyone celebrated a sparkling moment of life in which my fiance and I became Mr. and Mrs. Kapica.

The house is still a disaster, and I have a ton of paprwork to change - social, DL, bank accounts, health insurance.. oh my! But life is good and we're just enjoying the fact that we are legally a pair. The next thing for us... our honeymoon in May, to the Bahamas. Which leads me to my next goal... losing some weight. Gotta look good on the beach!

I give Karen some credit for that inspiration with her Goodbye Fast Food blog, as well as the upcoming "Biggest Loser" challenge at work. Now that the wedding is over it should be easier to keep a tab on things again. I'm sure my Doctor will be pleased, as I'm supposed to be watching my cholesterol anyway.

My goal is to lose 36.2 pounds by May...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

So it begins...

Well I'm not sure why, but the sudden desire to start up a blog took hold of me yesterday. Although I will likely be rambling on to myself, if anyone finds me interesting enough to follow I am thrilled and honored.

For the most part I will be posting my food reviews, adventures, travels, and sporty tidbits about my beloved Chicago Blackhawks, Cubs and Bears.